Sonequa Martin-Green, Star Trek: Discovery’s lead actress, recently shared her thoughts on the show’s unexpected end. The series, which began in 2017, will conclude after its fifth season in early 2024. This news has stirred the Star Trek community.
Unexpected News
Martin-Green, who plays Michael Burnham, was caught off guard by the announcement. She had expected the show to run for seven seasons, like other Star Trek series. However, despite her surprise, she expressed gratitude for being part of the Star Trek universe.The actress acknowledged the impact of the show on her career and personal growth. She also recognized the rich tradition of the franchise that led to this expectation.
Pride and Impact
Martin-Green emphasized her pride in Discovery’s accomplishments. She believes the show has significantly impacted both the Star Trek universe and science fiction television.Furthermore, she highlighted the series’ groundbreaking representation and innovative storytelling. The show’s ability to address complex social issues through science fiction was also noted.Martin-Green hopes fans will remember Discovery fondly. She hinted that the final season would provide a satisfying conclusion, wrapping up major storylines and character arcs.
Looking Ahead
Although the series is ending early, Martin-Green remains positive about the experience. She’s grateful for the opportunity to portray Michael Burnham, a groundbreaking character in the Star Trek universe.The actress reflected on how the role challenged her as a performer. She also expressed appreciation for the chance to contribute to the Star Trek legacy.Finally, Martin-Green’s comments suggest a commitment to delivering a finale that celebrates the show’s achievements. Fans can look forward to an exciting and emotional final season in 2024.